Get Involved and Have Your Say!

Would you like to take part in determining our future? There are several ways you can get involved.

Become a Member

You have a vote and can stand for election on the board, for a one-off fee of just 10p.

Become a Block Representative

We’re a large estate and every block has its own issues and problems. We want to make sure that every block has representation so as a TMO we are informed and issues can be acted on swiftly.

Become a Board Member

This takes a level of commitment and should not be viewed lightly. However, it is rewarding and will widen your experience. You will be inducted and receive training whether it is on collective governance,finance, management, computer skills or equal opportunities.

If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact the TMO Officer, Angela Gresham.

Phone: 0208 356 6708 or 0208 356 6759
Post: Wenlock Barn TMO, 24 Murray Grove, Shoreditch, London N1 7FB.

TMO Membership Form